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Just Ask! Is a Node JS based Github App that aims to solve membership access into an enterprises’ organizations.

It is often the case where enterprises may want to open the doors to contribution, repo create, or otherwise without giving too much access to the org. This is challenging for a few reasons:

  1. Github Org Roles are limited. To be able to grant access to an org, you must be an admin.

  2. If you manage multiple orgs, granting access to multiple orgs quickly becomes toil


Just Ask! solves this

The application reduces barriers for your clients to gain access by

  1. establishing a workflow to ‘ask’ for an invite into an organization
  2. automating invitations based on ‘who asked’ (what their rbac is)
  3. creating clever mappings of roles to already established pattern in your org (Org roles, and Github Teams)
  4. establishing an audit trail of ‘who-did-what’ so that administrators of the application may gain insight into who has been granted access into their orgs.

Completely open source. Proudly made in Beautiful British Columbia ❤️